António Mega Ferreira

From Law to Social Communication, Mega Ferreira made his debut in journalism in 1968 as editor of Comércio do Funchal and then also worked at Jornal Novo, Expresso and O Jornal. He has been editor of Jornal de Letras and RTP2

From Law to Communication

António Mega Ferreira was born on March 25th of 1949, in Lisbon. After studying Law at Lisbon University, he left to Manchester, in England, to study social communication.


«The course was an experimental course, promoted by Manchester University, in 1072. It was called Mass Communication. It was a course that had to do with journalism, written press, television, radio and also cinema».

He started in journalism four years before, in 1968, writting for Comércio do Funchal.

«I collaborated with the Lisbon delegation […] and I think that then I had some art to pass by the censorship’s threads», states.

In 1970, he started to work as foreign press translator at Secretaria de Estado da Informação. «Let’s say that, at the time, my relationship with Journalism was a very intense one. An intense relationship, but on a semiprofessional basis».



The professionalization

The professionalization was a journalist was earned in 1975, at Jornal Novo. During his career as a professional journalist, which extended until 1986, he also passed by Expresso, ANOP – Agência Noticiosa Portuguesaand by O Jornal. He was editor-in-chief of Jornal de Letrasand of RTP2. At the service of the public station, he interviewed the then Prime-Minister Maria de Lourdes Pintassilgo… twice.

«In the morning we had filmed in the gardens of the official residency but nothing had been recorded, something we only noticed when we arrived in Lumiar».

Throughout his career, Mega Ferreira witnessed several changes in Portuguese journalism, even though some characteristics subsisted.

«There are eternal truths in journalism: journalism will always, always, be worded under the pressure of the machine – whether it is a conventional machine, today’s machine, or the urgency in arriving, or the urgency to compete or to beat the competition».



He also collaborated, as a chronicler, with Expresso, Diário Económico, Diário de Notícias, Independente, Público and with the magazines Visãoand Egoísta. In 1986, he was invited for the editorial direction of Círculo de Leitores, where he was responsible for the creation of Lermagazine. In the 80’s, he stated his literary career, publishing dozens of works, from fiction to poetry, and essay. His literary production was distinguished with Grande Prémio de Conto Camilo Castelo Branco 2001.



A member of the National Commission for the Comemoration of the Discoveries, he founded Oceanosmagazine and led Lisbon’s application to host EXPO 98, an initiative he would come to be a commissioner of. He was administrator of Parque Expo, Lisbon Oceanarium and of Pavilhão Atlântico. He occupied the position of CEO of the Centro Cultural de Belém Foundation (2006-2012). On june 9th, 1998, he was given the Grã-Cruz of the Military Order of Christ.